5 Home Improvement Projects To Do This Winter
Just because it’s wintertime doesn’t mean that all those home improvement DIY projects you have lined up should be postponed until the spring. Surely, the warmer months are more convenient for working on home projects and fixing things around the house but there are also tasks you can do all year round so that you keep yourself busy even during the cold, gloomy months.
Here at House Sales Direct, we have compiled some easy and season appropriate DIY projects that you could do now instead of waiting until spring and get your house looking fresh as a new one. You could take advantage of the bad weather and endless days spent at home to do something productive rather than just watch TV. What’s more, these small and inexpensive upgrades will instantly increase your house’s value, making it easier for you to sell it if you even wanted to.
- Upgrade Hardware
Starting with a simple and yet a very effective upgrade that will mostly make a difference to the feel of your home is changing the kitchen cabinets hardware. It can get rather irritating when the handles and knobs around your house are loosely fitted but somehow people manage to ignore the problem even though there is a simple and rather cheap fix. Changing these with brand new ones can be super easy and only take you a small amount of time to do.
Bear in mind that if you plan on putting your house on the market anytime soon, potential buyers normally tend to look into these small details and having them tightly fitted can make their experience and impression a bit better.
- Get Organisers
One very pleasant activity you could do during those cold days at home is fully updating and organising your house. Anything you might think that needs some organisation could be made easy to use. For instance, you may get your kitchen sorted with some more storage containers or add magnetic strips and utilise the walls. What’s more, you could pay attention to your laundry room and sort out the detergent materials by putting them into jars or boxes. Not only is this going to make your room look much more aesthetically pleasing and organised but it will also give you the opportunity to purchase these necessities in bulk and therefore save you money along the way.
- Refurbish Your Doors
While purchasing whole new doors and replacing the old ones may seem a bit out of your budget, with the Christmas holidays just around the corner, but you can still upgrade them in a more effective and cost-saving way. For instance, there isn’t anything a fresh coat of paint can’t achieve. As already mentioned above, you could change the door handles too and repaint them in a colour of your choice. It could be done at a relatively low cost, and it is a fun activity to do at home.
- Seal Cracks
If you haven’t done so already, sealing any cracks around your home will be rather beneficial for you as it will help keep the cold air out and stop the warm one from exiting. Most people have this done right prior to the winter months to ensure they don’t use up too much electricity heating up their homes, however, it’s never too late to start this project. In fact, it could be useful for you in summer as well when there is a heatwave for example.
- Give Your Bathroom a Facelift
Bathrooms tend to be those places in the house where mold normally starts building up if they don’t have frequent maintenance. The steaming showers people take in winter as well as the closed off windows lead to build up mold and that is where you should ideally start. Deep clean first and then you could upgrade some of the hardware here too. Adding a new sink faucet and making sure the silverware is sparkling clean is a good starting point.
If you want to go a bit further, you could add decorative items to make it extra cosy and nice so that you feel completely comfortable taking your long baths after work. One thing which could contribute to that is getting a new set of ultra-soft and matching towels and carpets.
As you can see some of these are very simple and quick to do over the weekend when the weather is too cold. Why not make plans with your home and give it a makeover with these small but efficient upgrades?
This article was written by an online estate agent House Sales Direct. If you wish to sell house fast and for free, then head over to the House Sales Direct website for more property related information and enquiries.