Animation of cartoons is the process of linking a series of slightly different cartoon drawings together to simulate movement. Animation...
Art digital
Movies with poor reviews do not necessarily give anyone the excuse to pirate them. Art is subjective and stealing is...
'What counts most is finding new ways to get the world down in paint on my own terms.' Said Michelangelo....
Over the last several years, the use of videos to promote business has been steadily rising. These days, people are...
There are so many audio formats out there, which ones should you choose to record your audio in? An audio...
This is not where you expect to find great graphic art. But it's there! And, I think that it's about...
There are three mistakes that amateur animators do, and if you spot them in videos from YouTube, then you know...
In my career as a photographer, I have come across many amateurs who did the silliest mistakes when taking group...
3D character animation is growing in leaps and bounds. 3D characters are used in every many facets, including games, videos,...
There are many talented artists that offer a wide variety of poker art work. From originals to limited edition prints,...