Steve Wollett – Using tragedy to elevate & transform his life

After a string of tragedies, Steve Wollett made a film

Have you ever experienced a tragedy that completely rocked your world? The death of a loved one, a debilitating illness, or another traumatic event left you scared, alone, and unsure of what to do next. If you have, then you’re like most people. Finding the motivation to keep going can be challenging in the face of tragedy. What if we told you that using your tragedy as a motivating force could help you transform your life? It may sound impossible, but it’s true. 

Lets’ dice in the story of Steve Wollett & learn how to turn your tragedy into triumph.

Tragic events might engulf some people, but they can also inspire others to improve their lives. Steve Wollett is a prime example of the latter. His misfortunes started in 2019 when Zeus, his beloved dog of 13 years, passed away from old age. Leslie, his wife, became ill three weeks later while still mourning. 

Since COVID was still in its early stages at the time, they assumed she most likely only had the flu. Her health deteriorated until she lost consciousness and had to be taken to the hospital immediately. Wollett and his wife operated the health food store in Baltimore for more than 15 years burned down a few days after she checked into the hospital. 

Worse still, the hospital informed Wollett the following day that Leslie was brain dead due to the hundreds of blood clots she had experienced. She sadly passed away a short while after, leaving Steve in the wrong position. Fast forward to the year 2020, and Steve’s life completely changed. He lost his devoted wife to illness, his steadfast dog passed away, and his company caught fire. He experienced a downward spiral due to these catastrophes, which caused him to mirror his life and realize it was time to change course.

After changing the name of Nerd Rage News to Furious Nerd Productions, Steve began developing his upcoming project. This is how his most recent book, Jack Be Nimble, came to be, and it was good for him since he made many friends and started an acting group that meets once every six to eight weeks. It’s a terrific outlet for him because they come together to enjoy each other’s company while making short videos.

But today Wollett is more than just a movie director; he also writes literature. He wrote a book called God’s Assassin in 2020 that follows a character typically categorized as the bad guy in most stories. Although God’s Assassin is a story of redemption and hope, the character in the novel is a priest, an assassin, and a monster in his own right. Anything is possible if the divine can work through someone as broken as this character!

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